Here is my take-away on what I learned from GradEx102:
Art, design and creativity are everywhere. All around us we see the benefit of the arts, and the importance of design and creativity to social and economic inclusion and productivity.
OCAD U is art, design and creativity. Particularly at events like GradEx it is abundantly clear that our graduates exemplify how art, design and creativity help us to imagine not just a beautiful world, but one that seeks to change the world around us for the better.
OCAD U is everywhere. Our graduates work in every sector of the economy. This is because the power of the imagination benefits all.
The students at GradEx102 - all OCAD U students - are the highly qualified and creative makers of the world. If the goal of education is to make one privately happy and publicly useful, then it is the goal of art and design education to make the public happy.
Design is Everywhere; OCADU is Design; OCADU is Everywhere |